
:clipboard: MEAN - MongoDB, Express, Angular & Node.js full-stack tutorial app to manage tasks.

Primary LanguageTypeScript

⚡ MEAN Stack Task Manager - Tutorial Code by Devstakr

  • See angular-tasks-frontend folder for Angular frontend code.
  • See api folder for backend API using Node.js with Mongoose and Express.
  • All code by Devstackr.
  • Note: to open web links in a new window use: ctrl+click on link

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📄 Table of contents

📚 General info

  • Note: it is not possible to see the Mongodb results on http://localhost:27017/TaskManager because: the Angular app has to communicate with the Express server app (using get, post etc.), and the Express server app will communicate with the MongoDB server. The Angular app cannot communicate with the MongoDB server directly (due to potential security issues)

📷 Screenshots

Angular page Angular page Angular page

📶 Technologies

  • See angular-tasks-frontend and api backend folders for technologies used
  • Postman v7 API Dev Environment used to test app

💾 Setup

  • See angular-tasks-frontend and api backend folders for individual setups. You need to have both front and back ends running for the app to work.

📋 Status & To-do list

  • Status: Working.Updated june 2021

  • All 15 tutorials completed. User can sign up and login

  • Lists and Task can be created with front and back ends working together & backend connects with a Mongodb database

  • Postman successfully used to test POST, GET, PATCH, DELETE lists and tasks in a list

  • Authentication middleware added to all API routes so user can only ever Create, Read, Update or Delete their own lists/tasks

  • Front and back ends pass data via localhost://3000

  • To-do: Change to cloud MongoDB. Add comments. Add check if signup user already exists - currently causes an error. Add logout function.


📁 License

  • N/A.

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