
Use Microsoft Graph to access a user’s Microsoft account data from within an iOS app written in Objective-C. This sample uses the Microsoft Graph Client Library to work with the data, and allows you to authenticate using work, school, and personal accounts.

Primary LanguageSwiftMIT LicenseMIT

Office 365 Connect Sample for iOS Using the Microsoft Graph SDK

Microsoft Graph is a unified endpoint for accessing data, relationships and insights that come from the Microsoft Cloud. This sample shows how to connect and authenticate to it, and then call mail and user APIs through the Microsoft Graph SDK for iOS.

Note: Try out the Microsoft Graph App Registration Portal page which simplifies registration so you can get this sample running faster.


  • Xcode from Apple

  • Installation of CocoaPods as a dependency manager.

  • A Microsoft work or personal email account such as Office 365, or outlook.com, hotmail.com, etc. You can sign up for an Office 365 Developer subscription that includes the resources that you need to start building Office 365 apps.

    Note: If you already have a subscription, the previous link sends you to a page with the message Sorry, you can’t add that to your current account. In that case, use an account from your current Office 365 subscription.

  • A client id from the registered app at Microsoft Graph App Registration Portal

  • To make requests, an MSAuthenticationProvider must be provided which is capable of authenticating HTTPS requests with an appropriate OAuth 2.0 bearer token. We will be using msgraph-sdk-ios-nxoauth2-adapter for a sample implementation of MSAuthenticationProvider that can be used to jump-start your project. See the below section Code of Interest for more information.

Running this sample in Xcode

  1. Clone this repository

  2. Use CocoaPods to import the Microsoft Graph SDK and authentication dependencies:

     pod 'MSGraphSDK'
     pod 'MSGraphSDK-NXOAuth2Adapter'

This sample app already contains a podfile that will get the pods into the project. Simply navigate to the project From Terminal and run:

    pod install

For more information, see Using CocoaPods in Additional Resources

  1. Open Graph-iOS-Swift-Connect.xcworkspace

  2. Open AutheticationConstants.swift under Application folder. You'll see that the clientId from the registration process can be added to this file.

         static let clientId = "ENTER_YOUR_CLIENT_ID"

    Note: You'll notice that the following permission scopes have been configured for this project: "https://graph.microsoft.com/Mail.Send", "https://graph.microsoft.com/User.Read", "offline_access". The service calls used in this project, sending a mail to your mail account and retriving some profile information (Display Name, Email Address) require these permissions for the app to run properly.

  3. Run the sample. You'll be asked to connect/authenticate to a work or personal mail account, and then you can send a mail to that account, or to another selected email account.

##Code of Interest

All authentication code can be viewed in the Authentication.swift file. We use a sample implementation of MSAuthenticationProvider extended from NXOAuth2Client to provide login support for registered native apps, automatic refreshing of access tokens, and logout functionality:

        NXOAuth2AuthenticationProvider.setClientId(clientId, scopes: scopes)
        if NXOAuth2AuthenticationProvider.sharedAuthProvider().loginSilent() == true {
            completion(error: nil)
        else {
                .loginWithViewController(nil) { (error: NSError?) in
                    if let nserror = error {
                        completion(error: MSGraphError.NSErrorType(error: nserror))
                    else {
                        completion(error: nil)
        func disconnect() {

Once the authentication provider is set, we can create and initialize a client object (MSGraphClient) that will be used to make calls against the Microsoft Graph service endpoint (mail and users). In SendMailViewcontroller.swift we can assemble a mail request and send it using the following code:

            let requestBuilder = graphClient.me().sendMailWithMessage(message, saveToSentItems: false)
            let mailRequest = requestBuilder.request()
                (response: [NSObject : AnyObject]?, error: NSError?) in

For more information, including code to call into other services like OneDrive, see the Microsoft Graph SDK for iOS

Questions and comments

We'd love to get your feedback about the Office 365 iOS Microsoft Graph Connect project. You can send your questions and suggestions to us in the Issues section of this repository.

Questions about Office 365 development in general should be posted to Stack Overflow. Make sure that your questions or comments are tagged with [Office365] and [MicrosoftGraph].


You will need to sign a Contributor License Agreement before submitting your pull request. To complete the Contributor License Agreement (CLA), you will need to submit a request via the form and then electronically sign the CLA when you receive the email containing the link to the document.

Additional resources


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