
Built for teachers to keep track of student grades, tailored for middle school and high school teachers

Primary LanguageJava

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Grading API For Teachers

If you're part of a hiring team looking over this project.

I've taken the liberty of creating a short 5-minute loom video quickly going over all main points in my project and showcasing how it works using the Demo UI. you can view it here. If you wish to test the program out your self here is a neat tool that can send and receive HTTP request and responses.

Run in Postman


This project was made for High school and Middle School teachers to keep track of student grades and do repetitive task automatically. Using Spring boot, spring security, Auth02, JWT, RSA, H2, AWS RDS, And PostgreSQL. I've also created a DEMO UI to showcase my backend project you can view the UI here.



  • Java 17 or greater
  • IntelliJ or VS Code (optimal)
  • Postman for testing

To Install the application fork the repo and clone it to your local machine.


UI in development

Note: If running in dev mode the data will not be stored across runtimes as the project uses an H2 database Configuration for testing and dev work. During a future update, this project will be deployed using AWS and Render.

If you wish to deploy this project for yourself, create an application-prod.properties file and Configure accordingly


Simplified Class Diagram or visit the compressive Diagram

for information involving the new mailing system and request go to Email Systems

Sample request

Go too Endpoint documentation to view all sample request you can make including there corresponding data. Or to email documentation to view the email endpoints with their corresponding data.

Development setup

  1. Fork Repo
  2. Clone Repo
  3. Uncomment beaned command line runner in StudentTrackerApiApplication.class If needed
  4. Set Application.properties file to run application-dev spring.profiles.active=dev
  5. If needed configure application-dev file to fit your needs These are the default parameters for the H2 database

  1. Run Application


A. Lam – andrew.lam965@Gmail.com Github profile https://github.com/AndrewL14/


  1. Fork it (https://github.com/AndrewL14/Student-tracker-API/fork)
  2. Create your feature branch (git checkout -b feature/fooBar)
  3. Commit your changes (git commit -am 'Add some fooBar')
  4. Push to the branch (git push origin feature/fooBar)
  5. Create a new Pull Request