
logging for golang

Primary LanguageGo


A logging package for golang.


Here are the main features and these are what I normally need for the development.

  1. Provides ILogger interface to avoide use a concrete logger definition
  2. Allows configure the message layout by logging configuration
  3. Allows configure log message output destination by logging configuration
  4. Allows configure log level to output destination
  5. Supports load logging configuration from a file (JSON format)
  6. Supports log messages to console window
  7. Supports colorize level message to console window
  8. Supports log messages to plain text file
  9. Supports log messages to json file
  10. Support Windows, MacOS and Linux
  11. Good performance


Intall the logging package by run go get github.com/andrewlang/matrix-go-logging, then you will be able to create loggers to log messages.

package main

import (


Configure logger factory in code

Configure logging to use Console logger with the message layout: [Datetime] [Level] [Logger Name] [Indent] [Message]

The output message you can see in console window

[2020-02-13 15:28:08.716] [Info]   [StartClientAction]  Start Actionn to response user's request
[2020-02-13 15:28:08.723] [Debug]  [Test Station]  Test station is started with XXX
import (
	logging "github.com/andrewlang/matrix-go-logging"

factory := logging.NewLoggerFactory()
config := logging.NewLogTargetConfigurations()

consoleTarget := logging.NewLogTargetConfiguration("Console", logging.ConsoleLoggerName, []string{logging.Time, logging.Level, logging.Name, logging.Indent, logging.Message})


Load configuration from file

Logging factory use a json format file to store the configuration for layouts and loggers

configFile := NewFile("logging.config.json")
factory := logging.NewLoggerFactory().ConfigureFromFile(LoggingConfigFile)

Create logger instance

After logging factory configured, you can use factory create an instance of ILogger.

// need a name for the logger
logger, _ := factory.Create("Application")

Only allow output for given log level

Here is an example log all level messages to plain text file and only log error level messages to json file.

config := NewLogTargetConfigurations()

// log all messages to txt file
fileConfig := NewLogTargetConfiguration("File", FileLoggerName, []string{Time, Level, Name, Indent, Message})
fileConfig.Configuration.FileName = "./test/compose_logger.txt"

// log Error level messages to json file
jsonConfig := NewLogTargetConfiguration("JsonFile", JSONFileLoggerName, []string{Message})
jsonConfig.Configuration.FileName = "./test/compose_logger.json"
jsonConfig.Configuration.MinLevel = LevelError.Value

Configure max file size

By default, the max log file size is 2M, after reach or over this, a new log file will be generated to keep write messages. You can set the size with following code.

config := NewLogTargetConfigurations()

// log all messages to txt file
fileConfig := NewLogTargetConfiguration("File", FileLoggerName, []string{Time, Level, Name, Indent, Message})
fileConfig.Configuration.FileName = "./test/logger.txt"
fileConfig.Configuration.FileSize = 5 * 1024 * 1024


You can beuild the package by

go build


You can run unit test by

go test -v