Exercism Testimonials

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A coding challenge to replicate the testimonials page on Exercism page created using React and Typescript.

As I have a figma design access, I decided to go all the way and create a design system via Storybook to demonstrate what I would've suggested working with them.


Design system

Design System

Listing Highlights

  • Using a design system to consume components
  • Keeping pagination and sorting values in query params and reflect it into filter fields on mount

Testimonials Listing



  • Run yarn start to serve the testimonial list project.
  • Run yarn start:storybook to serve the design system project.


  • Run yarn build to build the testimonial list project.
  • Run yarn build:storybook to build the design system project.

Running unit tests

Run yarn test to execute the unit tests via Jest to the following tests:

  • useFilters custom hook