
This app is a recipe finder that utilizes HTML5, JavaScript, CSS, Google Maps API, and Materialize CSS framework for styling.

Primary LanguageJavaScript


User Story

As a foodie I want to make certain meals but don't know how. I want to be able to search for a list of ingredients as well a recipe. Additionally I want to know what is the nearest grocery store to buy the ingredients so that I have instructions for the recipe and know where to get them.

Acceptance Criteria

As a Food App user:

  • WHEN the user searches for a Recipe THEN a list of recipes is shown.

  • WHEN the user selects a recipe THEN on a modal the full recipe is diplayed. (Content pulled from API: Recipe image, recipe card, list of ingredients, and cooking instructions.)

  • WHEN the user clicks on the ("Grocery Stores") link THEN they are shown an embedded google map with the users nearest grocery store.

The Repository

This repository ("Food-Group") is where our Food Ingredients App resides Food Group. This app was created as collabrative effort by Andrew Morrow, Santiago Hincapie, Shivam Shewa, Jonelle Adona, and Christian Gonzalez.

Technology Used

  • HTML5

  • CSS with Materialize framework

  • Javascript

  • 2 APIs inegrated: ("Edamam and Google Places")

Food App Desktop View:

Food App Desktop Demo

Food App Mobile View:

Food App Mobile Demo