
Slides from "Backporting to the Future" talk given 26 September 2018



Copy of slides used in my talk, "Backporting to the Future," given to the Auckland C++ Meetup, 26 September 2018.

These slides are a draft of what I intend to present at the Pacific++ Conference on 18 October 2018.

See https://pacificplusplus.com/ for more information.


See the LICENSE file for the terms under which these slides are made available.


The author acknowledges the valuable feedback of all the attendees of the Auckland C++ Meetup on 26 September 2018 and the comments made by colleagues at Crown Equipment Limited on 27 September 2018.

Special mention is given to the following individuals,

  • Biswaijt Banerjee
  • Christian Blume
  • Nick Sarten
  • Paul Leslie
  • Shane Powell
  • Toby Allsopp
  • Tom Isaacson


  • Benjamin Deeming
  • Greg Sumner
  • Jacqueline Lewis
  • Ralf Haeusler
  • Saeid Shahosseini
  • Sam McArdle

Thank you all,

Andrew Paxie