A repo that contains a recursive dump from the ROOT key of every Windows Registry hive (using KAPE) from a vanilla (clean) install of every Windows OS version to compare and see what's been added with each update.
- 0A7V9A0a7v9a
- abraulik
- AndrewRathbunUnit 42
- arsendParamount
- Bazaid
- chrissandersApplied Network Defense
- CryptoHackz
- danzekChicago
- dec0dOS
- deveveon
- dfirnewbie
- Dnic94This is just my private account.
- elhoimMy own!
- esruvLocation
- ezpz4n6127.0.0.1
- FurnasAZPhoenix, Arizona, United States
- grimbelhaxUlm
- grrajeshkumar
- hamannju
- hitenkoku
- hyuunnnPusan National University
- JonathanBurbulWisconsin
- MarkG-6
- MattETurner
- MilleniumSpark
- MrGuidedVengeance
- nasbench@Splunk @SigmaHQ @magicsword-io
- nelixmelbourne, australia
- NoorahSmith@johnny-sch-course
- pecca86
- PomorL33
- rootisareservedword
- shahkirtan
- stark4n6
- tais9Seoul, Korea