Network device presence sensor for Hubitat
A virtual presence sensor for Hubitat that checks if an network device is present on the network.
- If this sensor shows "present", your device is returning http 200 status or a selected phrase.
- If this sensor shows "not present", the device is returing http status code other than 200 or it doesn't match your defined phrase
Manual installation:
- Open your Hubitat web page
- Go to the "Drivers Code" page
- Click "+ New Driver"
- Paste in the contents of networkDevicePresenceSensor.groovy
- Click "Save"
- Go to the "Devices" page
- Click "+ Add Virtual Device"
- Set "Device Name" and "Device Network Id" to anything you like. Set "Type" to "Network device presence sensor".
- Click "Save Device"
- On the device list, click the name of your new sensor
- Set "IP Address" to the local static IP address of your device
- Set protocol if other that http (like https)
- Optionally set your search phrase that will be matched (the URL address returns that phrase)
- Click "Save Preferences"