
Toolbox for "audio cubes"

Primary LanguagePython


Software toolbox for a few similar devices I call "audio cubes": More or less cube-shaped audio players with an integrated speaker, that will automatically start playing fairytales from their internal memory when one of the affiliated figures (containing a hidden NFC tag) is placed on top of the device. All devices seen so for use audio files with a .smp extension.

The following devices are currently supported (click on picture or ID for more information):

Picture ID Name Description
hachette (Various) Sold in multiple countries under localized names:
- "Märchenheld" in Germany
- "Hxografhmena Paramythia" in Greece
- "Opowiadajki" in Poland
- "Audiocuentos" in Spain and Mexico
- "Audiocontos" in Portugal
- "Audiocontes" in Belgium
hachette_green (Various) Sold in multiple european countries under localized names:
- "Mi primer ABECEDARIO"
storyland LIDL Storyland Sold by LIDL in Greece
storybox Migros Storybox Sold by Migros in Switzerland

Read about helper scripts that can facilitate tasks like encrypting a file with a proper ID3 tag.


  • smp2mp3 by ZapDissaster is a very similar software tool with a GUI for Windows, that is probably easier to get running for Windows users who have little experience with using command-line tools