Advanced React Links

Instructor Info

Color Organizer

  • Start Files Download
  • Feature: Add Color Component with Refs - (run it)
  • Refactor: Add Color Controlled Component - (run it)

Custom Hooks

  • Refactor: useInput hook - (run it)
  • Feature: Adding a Color to State - (run it)
  • Refactor: Colors In Context - (run it)
  • Refactor: useColors hook - (run it)
  • BONUS: Color Organizer App (with emotion css)- (run it)

xstate and State Machines

Flux & Redux


GraphQL Query Language

GraphQL Schema Definition Language

Example GraphQL APIs

Apollo Client

Simple Requests

  • curl Request
curl -X POST \
     -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
     --data '{ "query": "{allLifts{name}}" }' \

React & Apollo

The Dependency Array

Next Steps