
TOBS QC and Processing tools

Primary LanguagePython

The files in this folder are QC programs I am writing to assist in the QC of transit on-board surveys.

1. DesireLines.py
    This program creates desire lines going from Origin -> Board and Alight -> Destination.  Required Inputs
    are the geodatabase (only personal geodatabases and file geodatabases are supported at this time), the 
    fields for the survey sample ID, coordinates, and mode.  The outputs are two feature classes in the 
    geodatabase that have the attributes of the sample id, mode, and straightline distance.  It is imperative
    that the coordinates of your data matches the distance you want (e.g. if you want feet as your distance, your
    input X and Y coordinates should relate to a projection like NAD83 State Plane - Feet).
    A. Graph OB and Graph AD Buttons:
        These buttons will graph the distance by mode for origin-boarding and alighting-destination IF the bus
Author: Andrew Rohne, OKI Regional Council, arohne@oki.org
Date: 2012-07-10
License: GPLv3
Language: Python
    ArcMap 10.0
    TKinter (installed with Python)
    ttk (sometimes installed with Python, if not: http://pypi.python.org/packages/source/p/pyttk/pyttk-0.3.2.tar.gz)
Keywords: Transit, survey