Don't Starve Together Dedicated Server on AWS

This CloudFormation template deploys a dedicated server for the game Don't Starve Together on AWS. The setup includes a VPC, a subnet, an EC2 instance configured for the DST server, and appropriate networking configurations.


  1. AWS CLI: Ensure you have the AWS CLI installed and configured.
  2. Key Pair: Replace myserverkey with the name of an existing EC2 key pair in your AWS account to access the instance.
  3. IAM Permissions: Your AWS user needs permissions to deploy CloudFormation stacks and create EC2, VPC, and related resources.

Resources Created

  • VPC: A Virtual Private Cloud for network isolation.
  • Subnet: A subnet within the VPC.
  • Security Group: Allows necessary ports for the DST server and SSH access from a specific IP range.
  • Internet Gateway and Route Table: Provides internet access to the subnet.
  • EC2 Instance: An Ubuntu-based instance running the DST dedicated server.

Security Group Configuration

Protocol Ports Purpose IP Range
UDP 11000-11001, 27018-27019, 8768-8769 Game server ports for Master and Caves shards
TCP 22 SSH for server access Your IP range


Replace the key pair name mentioned above, the AMI ID, the instance type, the SSH IP range, and the variables CLUSTER_NAME, CLUSTER_DESCRIPTION, CLUSTER_PASSWORD, CLUSTER_KEY, ADMIN_ID, TOKEN, and world generation settings in the dst.yml file to match your requirements.

To deploy the stack:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name DST-Server-Stack --template-body dst.yml --capabilities CAPABILITY_IAM


To delete the stack:

aws cloudformation delete-stack --stack-name DST-Server-Stack
