AndroidRipper is a toolset for the automatic GUI testing of mobile Android Applications.
It is developed and maintained by the REvERSE (REsEarch laboRatory of Software Engineering) Group of the University of Naples "Federico II".
Welcome in the AndroidRipper Wiki to have more info about AndroidRipper and the REvERSE Group
Try the Ripper for the first time by following step:
Prerequisites (环境安装 与 环境变量配置)
- Android SDK, AVD, ANT, etc.
Android Ripper Installer 配置
- 路径:/Users/zhchuch/Desktop/paper/Backup/constrast_experi/ATGT/AndroidRipper/Release/AndroidRipperInstaller
- Edit ""
- Start Android Ripper Installer
❌java -jar AndroidRipperInstaller.jar
// For Windows
✅java -jar ARInstaller.jar
// For MacOS, 修改 AndroidRipperInstaller 源码并重新编译成 ARInstaller.jar,使其成为适配 MAC-OSX 系统的可执行 JAR 包。
Android Ripper Driver: Systematic Exploration
Android Ripper Driver: Random Exploration