Starting the application

.NET Applicatian

Use the command 'cd PROJ && dotnet run' then navigate to 'https://localhost:5001/'

It may appear as if it takes a little while to load, but it eventually loads. Any changes you make to the frontend do not require you to rebuild, simply save and you'll see the changes there. It's recommended that you turn auto-save off when working on the front-end, otherwise the website will just constantly be rendering.

Also, ignore any AspNetCore.SpaServices issues in your terminal, this is a known issue

Python Recommendation Service

  1. Install dependencies by running pip install -r requirements.txt within the python directory.
  2. Run python to launch the web service.

Making Pull Requests

Please merge to dev first, after this, other members can verify that the branch you've created is working and no new issues have emerged. After this, we can agree and push from dev to master


Frontend Language: Angular -

Frontend Libraries: NGZorro (UI Components) -