Coursera Dump

This script saves in *.xlsx file information about 20 random courses of Coursera.

How To Install

Python v3.5 should be already installed. Afterwards use pip (or pip3 if there is a conflict with old Python 2 setup) to install dependecies:

pip install -r requirements.txt # alternatively try pip3

Remember that it is recommended to use virtualenv/venv for better isolation.

Quick Start

The script has one optional argument - full path of output file. By default the script outputs result in courses_info.xlsx located in script`s directory.

Output file contains these course features: name, language, start date, weeks of study, course rating and URL.

To run script on Linux:

$ python -o courses.xlsx

Windows usage is the same.

Project Goals

The code is written for educational purposes. Training course for web-developers -