
Задача #22 из курса devman.org

Primary LanguageHTML

Suppliers in Novosibirsk

This is the site of hypothetic service providing supplier search: https://andreyad1.github.io/22_proto_markup/static

How to Install

The file site_render.py renders HTML pages of the site. To launch this program you should install Python v3.5 and dependecies. The console command to install dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt # alternatively try pip3

It is recommended to use virtual environment for better isolation.

Quick Start

The script site_render.py creates HTML pages of the site. The script uses templates placed in the folder templates/. The context of pages is located in the file site_render.py.

To run script on Linux:

$ python site_render.py

Windows usage is the same.

Project Goals

The code is written for educational purposes. Training course for web-developers - DEVMAN.org