
Python App In Docker (PAID) example prepared for Moscow Python Meetup #35 and Pycon Russia 2016

Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


Python App In a Docker (PAID) example prepared for Moscow Python Meetup and Pycon Russia 2016.


First you should provision a Docker host (e.g. with Docker Machine) and install Docker Compose.

Get an image

Clone this repo

git clone git@github.com:satyrius/paid.git && paid

Build an image

docker-compose build

Up and run

Start containers with compose

docker-compose up -d

Run Django migrations

docker exec web /opt/demo/app/manage.py migrate --no-input

You can create a user

docker exec -it web /opt/demo/app/manage.py createsuperuser

And check how it works in browser
