
Interesting notes about Rust programming language.

  • Rust has packets (crates)
  • Rust's backend is LLVM
  • Rust strings are UTF-8 encoded and can contain any Unicode character
  • Rust has hygienic macros, println! is an example of this
  • Everything is constant by default, you need to add mut to make a variable
  • Compile time memory safety
  • Lack of undefined runtime behavior
  • Static memory management at compile time:
    • No uninitialized variables.
    • No memory leaks (mostly, see notes).
    • No double-frees.
    • No use-after-free.
    • No NULL pointers.
    • No forgotten locked mutexes.
    • No data races between threads.
    • No iterator invalidation.
  • No undefined behavior at runtime:
    • Array access is bounds checked.
    • Integer overflow is defined (panic or wrap-around).
  • Actionable feedback on errors
  • Good Language Server Protocol implementation (rust-analyzer)
  • char is 32 bits wid
  • possible to have underscores and types directly in constant, e.g. 1_000, 123_i64, or, less nice 1_23i32
  • variable shadowing is possible (i.e. redefining in the same scope)... Strange
  • array length is part of it's type: [u8; 3] and [u8; 4] are different types