
TMXTiledMap is a TMX Map viewer for SpriteKit written in Swift

MIT LicenseMIT

TMXTiledMap is a TMX Map viewer for SpriteKit written in Swift

TMXTiledMap will be available as soon as it has been tested well enough for being released to the public.

How to use TMXTiledMap

Include the following files in your project:


These files are stored in the TMXTiledMap folder.


The current version of TMXTiledMap has the following limitations:

  • iOS 7 and later only (requires Swift that can only compile to iOS 7 and above)
  • OS X not supported in current version
  • External tilesets not supported in current version
  • Terrain is not supported in current version

Some of these missing features will likely be added later but as I have no need for these features in my current projects I have no plan to eliminate these limitations in the near future.

Special thanks

I would like to acknowledge the work of the following people who made it a whole lot simpler to make a TMX parser for Sprite Kit and Swift.