
Primary LanguagePythonMIT LicenseMIT


  • Python 3
  • Python packages (run pip install -r requirements.txt or, if you have several versions of python on Windows, py -3 -m pip install -r requirements.txt):
  • Pandoc >= 2.1.3



If you just want to convert a text from Pandoc's Markdown (MD) to Confluence Storage Format (CSF), then use Pandoc with the csf.lua custom writer from this repository.


pandoc --from "markdown+hard_line_breaks+lists_without_preceding_blankline+compact_definition_lists+smart+autolink_bare_uris" --to "md-to-confluence/csf.lua" example.md > example.csf

MD to Confluence

This utility converts a text from Pandoc's Markdown (MD) to Confluence Storage Format (CSF) and posts it to a Confluence instance defined by the metadata block at the begining of the text.

usage: md_to_confluence.py [-h] file

positional arguments:
  file        Pandoc's Markdown file path.

optional arguments:
  -h, --help  show this help message and exit

Input file format: http://pandoc.org/README.html#pandocs-markdown

YAML metadata used:

  • title - new title.

  • author - is used to guess username if it is not specified.

  • confluence

    • page-url is required to edit existing page.

      Username and port are optional.


      • https://jsmith@example.com:443/confluence/display/~jsmith/My+existing+page
      • https://jsmith@example.com:443/confluence/pages/viewpage.action?pageId=12345
    • base-url is required to create new page.

      Username and port are optional.


      • https://confluence.example.com
      • https://jsmith@example.com:443/confluence
    • page-version is not required.

    • note-autogen - add to the top of the page an information panel which says that this page is automatically generated. Boolean. Default: false.

  • toc - Table of Content (TOC). Boolean or object. Default: no TOC.

    • title - the title of the TOC. String. Default: no title.

    • min-level - the minimum heading level to report in the TOC. Integer. Optional.

    • max-level - the maximum heading level to report in the TOC. Integer. Optional.

If username is not specified as part of the URL, it is guessed from first author (e.g.: John Smith -> jsmith). If author is not specified, default username is from the environment or password database.

New page is created in user's home space, e.g. ~jsmith.

Password is prompted in console. It is cached in the system keyring service.

See examples in the example/ directory.

Example of Sublime Text build system config

Sublime Text 3\Packages\User\Post to Confluence.sublime-build

    "selector": "text.html.markdown",
    "shell_cmd": "start cmd /C \"py C:\\GIT\\md-to-confluence\\md_to_confluence.py \"$file\" & pause\""


Definition list

Definition lists are not supported by CSF. The feature suggestion is here: https://jira.atlassian.com/browse/CONF-1322. Vote for it.

Extra syntax

Links to Confluence pages


[FOO](){content-title="My Page"}
[BAZ](){space-key="OTH" content-title="Other's Page"}

[](){content-title="My Page"}
[](){space-key="OTHER" content-title="Other's Page"}

Links to (and images from) attachments


[](file-2.txt){.attachment content-title="My Page"}
[](file-3.txt){.attachment space-key="OTH" content-title="Other's Page"}

![Fig. 1](fig-1.png){.attachment}
![Fig. 2](fig-2.png){.attachment content-title="My Page"}
![Fig. 3](fig-3.png){.attachment space-key="OTH" content-title="Other's Page"}

Code block attributes

CSF supports the following code block attibutes:


~~~ {.c .numberLines startFrom=4 title="myfile.c" .collapse}
int main() {
    return 0;

Table cell color

CSF supports the following colors for table cells:

  • red
  • yellow
  • green
  • grey
  • blue


| color                 |
| [RED FOO]{.red}       |
| [YELLOW BAR]{.yellow} |
| [GREEN BAZ]{.green}   |
| [GREY QWE]{.grey}     |
| [BLUE ASD]{.blue}     |


| color                                  |
| <span class="red">RED FOO</span>       |
| <span class="yellow">YELLOW BAR</span> |
| <span class="green">GREEN BAZ</span>   |
| <span class="grey">GREY QWE</span>     |
| <span class="blue">BLUE ASD</span>     |

Status Macro

Confluence Documentation: https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/status-macro-223222355.html


[NO COLOR]{.status}
[RED FOO]{.status .red}
[YELLOW BAR]{.status .yellow}
[GREEN BAZ]{.status .green}
[GREY QWE]{.status .grey}
[BLUE ASD]{.status .blue}

[NO COLOR]{.status .subtle}
[RED FOO]{.status .subtle .red}
[YELLOW BAR]{.status .subtle .yellow}
[GREEN BAZ]{.status .subtle .green}
[GREY QWE]{.status .subtle .grey}
[BLUE ASD]{.status .subtle .blue}

You can use the following compatible CSS style for HTML output:

<style type="text/css">
    /* CSF Status Macro */
    .status {
        background-clip: border-box;
        border-style: solid;
        border-radius: 3px;
        border-width: 1px;
        display: inline-block;
        font-size: 11px;
        font-weight: bold;
        line-height: 1;
        min-width: 76px;
        padding: 3px 5px 2px 5px;
        text-align: center;
        text-decoration: none;
        text-transform: uppercase;

    /* Default style */
    .status        { color: #333333; background-color: #cccccc; border-color: #cccccc; }
    .status.red    { color: #ffffff; background-color: #D04436; border-color: #d04437; }
    .status.yellow { color: #594300; background-color: #ffd351; border-color: #ffd351; }
    .status.green  { color: #ffffff; background-color: #14892c; border-color: #14892c; }
    .status.grey   { color: #333333; background-color: #cccccc; border-color: #cccccc; }
    .status.blue   { color: #ffffff; background-color: #4a6785; border-color: #4a6785; }

    /* Subtle (outline) style */
    .status.subtle        { color: #333333; background-color: #ffffff; border-color: #cccccc; }
    .status.subtle.red    { color: #d04437; background-color: #ffffff; border-color: #f8d3d1; }
    .status.subtle.yellow { color: #594300; background-color: #ffffff; border-color: #ffe28c; }
    .status.subtle.green  { color: #14892c; background-color: #ffffff; border-color: #b2d8b9; }
    .status.subtle.grey   { color: #333333; background-color: #ffffff; border-color: #cccccc; }
    .status.subtle.blue   { color: #4a6785; background-color: #ffffff; border-color: #e4e8ed; }

Info, Tip, Note, and Warning Macros

Confluence Documentation: https://confluence.atlassian.com/doc/info-tip-note-and-warning-macros-51872369.html

Pandoc documentation: https://pandoc.org/MANUAL.html#extension-fenced_divs


::: {.info title="My Info"} :::
This is an information with a title.

::: {.tip} :::
This is a tip.

::: {.note} :::
This is a note.

::: {.warning} :::
This is a warning.

Confluence poster

confluence_poster.py --baseurl BASEURL [--user USER] ([--space SPACE] --title TITLE | --pageid PAGEID) [--new-title NEW_TITLE] ([--file FILE] | --text TEXT)
confluence_poster.py --baseurl BASEURL [--user USER] ([--space SPACE] --new-title NEW_TITLE ([--file FILE] | --text TEXT)
confluence_poster.py (-h | --help)

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  --baseurl BASEURL     Conflunce base URL. Format:
  --user USER           User name to log into Confluence. Default: from the
                        environment or password database.
  --pageid PAGEID       Conflunce page id to edit page.
  --space SPACE         Conflunce space key to create/edit page. Default: the
                        user's home.
  --title TITLE         Conflunce page title to edit page.
  --new-title NEW_TITLE
                        New title to create/edit page. By default title is not
                        changed on edit page.
  --file FILE           Write the content of FILE to the confluence page.
                        Default: STDIN.
  --text TEXT           Write the TEXT in Confluence Storage Format (XHTML-
                        like) to the confluence page.