
This jupyter notebook project empowers you to seamlessly download YouTube videos, extract their audio tracks, and transcribe the speech content using OpenAI's powerful Whisper model.

Primary LanguageJupyter Notebook

Audio Transcription from YouTube Videos using OpenAI's Whisper


This jupyter notebook project empowers you to seamlessly download YouTube videos, extract their audio tracks, and transcribe the speech content using OpenAI's powerful Whisper model.

Key Features:

  • Intuitive Download: Effortlessly fetch YouTube videos in MP4 format, prioritizing high resolution and file size for optimal quality.
  • Efficient Extraction: Extract audio tracks from downloaded videos using ffmpeg, creating separate MP3 files for clarity.
  • Robust Transcription: Leverage Whisper's capabilities to transcribe the extracted audio, generating accurate and insightful text representations.
  • Clear Output: Display the transcribed text in a user-friendly format, providing valuable insights into the video's content.


  1. Set up your environment: Ensure you have Python (version 3.6 or later) and Jupyter Notebook installed.
  2. Install dependencies:
pip install -q openai pytube ffmpeg-python git+https://github.com/openai/whisper.git


1.Import necessary libraries:

import ffmpeg
import requests
import os
import openai
import pytube
import whisper
from pytube import YouTube
  1. Define download function:
def download_video_mp4(youtube_url):
    yt = YouTube(youtube_url)
    video = yt.streams.filter(progressive=True, file_extension='mp4').order_by('resolution').desc().first()
    print('Video downloaded')
    return 1
  1. Define audio extraction function:
def create_audio_file(video_filename):
    audio_filename = video_filename.replace(".mp4", ".mp3")
    stream = ffmpeg.input(video_filename)
    stream = ffmpeg.output(stream, audio_filename)
    return audio_filename
  1. Download and extract audio:
# Replace "https://youtu.be/..." with the actual YouTube URL
youtube_url = "https://youtu.be/LB4MVdpajsU"

video_filename = os.listdir()[1]  # Get the downloaded video filename
audio_filename = create_audio_file(video_filename)
  1. Load Whisper model and transcribe:
model = whisper.load_model("base")

def transcribe(audio_filename):
    with open(audio_filename, 'rb') as f:
        audio_data = f.read()
    result = model.transcribe(audio_data)
    return result["text"]

yt_text = transcribe(audio_filename)
  1. Display transcribed text:
from pprint import pprint

Additional Notes:

  • Replace "https://youtu.be/..." with the actual YouTube URL you want to transcribe.
  • Experiment with different Whisper model sizes (base, medium, large) to potentially improve transcription accuracy, but be aware of the associated computational cost.


Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.