Eliftech - Events Registration App


This project was created using [Create React App].

During the project's development, the following libraries were utilized:

  1. For styling: React-loader-spinner, Toastify, Module.css.
  2. Database: (https://www.mongodb.com/)
  3. The backend was written on node.js and rendered on render.com (https://eliftech-node.onrender.com/)

The application consists of the following pages:


This page consists of a list of event cards. Each card includes:

  • Title
  • Description
  • Event Date
  • Organizer

You can navigate to the registration page or view the participants of the current event by clicking the corresponding buttons. Additionally, infinite scroll is implemented for seamless loading of more event cards. Filtering options are also available to help you find specific events.


On this page, you can register for an event. The user will see a form that contains the following fields:

  • Full Name
  • Email
  • Date of Birth
  • "How did you hear about this event?"
  • Event Name

After submitting the form, the response is saved in the database.


On this page, the user can view the list of registered participants for all events or for the current event.

Task references:

  1. Technical task (https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Z49Ui076paqpXVpwmS40i_cmPp-bh4Ho/view?usp=sharing)

Link to Backend Repo
