
Timesheet App built with React, Redux, Node, MongoDB

Primary LanguageJavaScript

Name: Timesheet App

Main Technologies Used: React, Redux, Node, PostgreSQL
Description: the app helps users keep track of their daily working hours. In addtion, I will be building out dashboard that does analytics on the data.

To Run the Application:

1. Clone the Repo
2. install all the packages by running 'npm install'
3. Run mongoDB by entering 'mongodb' in a seperate terminal window (follow instructions on MongoDB website to install their package if you don't have it)
4. Make sure you have localhost:27017 host setup. Then add a database called 'auth' to the connection
5. Make sure you have port 8080 and 3090 are free for use. 8080 is used by front-end React.js and 3090 is used by back-end Node.js
6. Start the application by running 'npm start'
7. Go to localhost:8080, signup in the sign up tab and you can start using the Timesheet App