
Install dependendcies

  • yarn install

To Start MongoDB

  • please ensure mongodb is installed locally.
  • To run mongodb, I am using the following command in MacOS: mongod --dbpath=/Users/user/data/db

To start scraper

Command to do both products and reviews

  • node src/index.js -p true

Create configuration file

App now using config package to manage configuration.

Create custom configuration file custom_file.json (for example) with

  "log4js": {
	"appenders": {
	  "console": {
		"type": "stdout"
	  "logfile": {
		"type": "dateFile",
		"filename": "logs/bot.log",
		"compress": true
	"categories": {
	  "default": {
		"appenders": [
		"level": "debug"
  "mongoose": {
	"uri": "mongodb://localhost:27017/dev_shopify_crawler",
	"options": {
	  "useNewUrlParser": true,
    "useCreateIndex": true
  "chrome": {
	"args": [
	"headless": true,
	"ignoreHTTPSErrors": true

Update environment variable NODE_ENV (for example):

export NODE_ENV=custom_file

Command to do both products and reviews node src/index.js -p true