Function optimization in AdTech

Contains the following apps:

  1. A testbed for function optimization on an interval (R1)
  2. A testbed for function optimization on a landscape (R2)
  3. A dataset generator producing synthetic bids data
  4. A visualizer to showcase synthetic reward functions used for function optimization
  5. An implementation of research paper 1.

The codebase is heavily influenced by 2 research papers:

  1. Learning to Bid Optimally and Efficiently in Adversarial First-price Auctions (

  2. Optimal Algorithms for Lipschitz Bandits with Heavy-tailed Rewards (

A testbed for function optimization on an interval (R1)

Main usecase is related to testing multiple algorithms on optimization task on an interval. The interval is selected to be [0,1]. The optimization task is finding a maximum of a given function on an interval.

The function optimization on an interval is similar to finding an optimal parameter theta in a linear bid shading first-price auction bidding strategy. The search for an optimal theta using the algorithms above can be a substitute to grid-based search from paper 1 under constraint of hidden mt information. In case of missing mt information, we can create a DIY reward function to guide the algorithms optimizing the performance according to the reward function selected.

This app also contains implementation of LBS algorithm from paper 1 utilizing simulated pairs (mt, vt). The LBS algorithm is assessed against the other algorithms on a simulated dataset for efficiency according to reward function used in paper.

See below for an exhaustive list of all the reward functions (used in simulations) and algorithms implemented.

It is recommended to use PyCharm to execute code.

App 1 usage

Once installed according to guide below, run:

python two_d/

This will start a lengthy (~4 hours on a typical laptop) process of simulations of maximum search on an interval using all the implemented algorithms (see complete list of implemented algorithms for 2D here: two_d/algorithms/

To make the process shorter, while making results more stochastic and less representative, decrease parameter "trials" found in configs/experiments_template.json from 100 to 10.

The algorithm and simulation parameters are recorded in resources/2d/experiments.csv. The results are visualized and stored as .png images in resources/2d folder.

The experiments described above showcase algorithms performance only on two synthetic reward functions (triangular and quadratic, see below for description of reward functions). This gives a valuable insight into algorithm's ability to find optimal parameter theta under varying reward noise.

App 2 usage

Once installed according to guide below, run:

python three_d/

This will start a lengthy process of simulations of maximum search on an interval using all the implemented algorithms (see a complete list of algorithms implemented in 3D here: three_d/algorithms/

The algorithm and simulation parameters are recorded in resources/3d/experiments.csv. The results are visualized and stored as .png images in resources/3d folder.

The experiments described above showcase algorithms performance only on two synthetic reward functions (bukin and rosenbrock, see below for description of synthetic reward functions). This gives a valuable insight into algorithm's ability to find optimal parameter set theta1, theta2 under varying reward noise.

App 3 usage

To generate a dataset based on a shape of distribution observed in paper 1 (dataset B), run the following:

python utils/

It will generate a dataset of 60 days each containing 10'000 datapoints. Each datapoint is a 3-tuple of (vt, mt, day). The data is then stored in resources/campaign_scenario.csv

vt-mt pairs are each generated using a specific gamma distribution in a way to ensure that the final result's distribution somewhat resembles the dataset B distribution from the paper 1. This synthetic data is later used to evaluate LBS, NLBS and SEW algorithms from paper 1 along with competing algorithms that are not supplied with mt,vt pairs in app 5.

App 4 usage

To visualize various synthetic reward shapes (2D) and lanscapes (3D), run the following:

python utils/

This will generate and save the visualizations of the 4 synthetic reward functions used to assess algorithms running optimization of function on an interval (both 2D and 3D), specifically: triangular reward, quadratic reward, bukin reward and rosenbrock reward

The shapes are saved in resources/reward_shapes as png files along with meta-description saved in resources/reward_shapes/info.csv

App 5 usage

To run an implementation of paper 1 on synthetically-generated dataset of 600'000 {vt, mt} pairs, run the following:

python utils/

This will start a single 10-iterations evaluation run. Within this run, all the algorithms present in three_d/configs/algorithms.json are used to come up with bid prices on simulated bidding dataset. Their aggregated performance across 60 days is visualized and stored in resources/3d/ folder.

It is possible to adjust number of iterations and other evaluation run parameters using three_d/configs/experiment.json file.

LBS, NLBS and SEW algorithms implemented from paper 1 will be assessed along with other algorithms (which are agnostic of mt values).


First, create a conda environment from a terminal with

conda create --name zooming_bandits python=3.8

Second, activate the environment:

source activate zooming_bandits

Third, install all dependencies:

pip install -r requirements.txt

Implemented synthetic reward functions

Article reward:

A reward mentioned in article 1. It is completely dependent on having access to historical data on oracle's predictions (vt) and minimal winning bid price (mt) needed to win a specific auction. Gamma distribution was used in order to generate a dataset similar to a closed-sourced dataset used in article 1. A function generating the dataset is present in utils/

It can be used to:

  • evaluate a LBS algorithm and other 2d algorithms used for learning theta parameter for linear bid shading strategy

  • evaluate a NLBS algorithm and other 3d algorithms used for learning theta1, theta2 params for non-linear bid shading strategy

  • evaluate SEW algorithm providing a custom mapping from vt to bt.

Implemented algorithms

For algorithms used in determining theta param used in linear bid shading strategy, see detailed description in two_d/algorithms/

For algorithms used in determining theta1, theta2 params used in non-linear bid shading strategy as well as SEW algorithm, see detailed description in three_d/algorithms/

Helper modules

  • is used to annotate functions to time them (time profiling)