erorrrr Purpose

The application is to present different ways to generate docker image from springboot microservice or any java application

Ways of generating docker image

  • using spotify plugin
  • using google's Jib pluging

Using spotify plugin

  • to build docker image locally
    mvn clean install
  • to build docker image and push to docker repository
    mvn clean install dockerfile:push

Using jib plugin

The docker image built by Jib plugin is smaller than spotify plugin as Jib plugin uses image by default, which is quite smaller in size. We can also change the default image using configuration

  • to build docker image locally
 mvn clean install jib:dockerBuild
  • to build docker image and push to docker repository
mvn clean install jib:build

To run docker application on local

  • using spotify plugin
docker run -p 8080:8080 ankitpec72/docker-demo-service-spotify:1.0-SNAPSHOT 
  • using jib plugin
docker run -p 8080:8080 ankitpec72/docker-demo-service-jib:1.0-SNAPSHOT

Detailed documentation

Spotify plugin

Jib plugin

To setup docker hub registry on local

docker login -u {username}  -p {password}

After successful login, the config.json (~/.docker/config.json) file will be updated

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