
Tensorflow Lite Image Analysis using Camera4Kivy

Primary LanguagePython

Camera4Kivy Tensoflow Lite Example

Tensorflow Lite Image Analysis using Camera4Kivy

2023-11-13 This repository is archived.


Uses Tensoflow Lite to classify objects in the image stream, classified objects are boxed and labeled in the Preview.

Available on some of the usual platforms.

This example is based on a Tensorflow Lite Object Detection Example. This example was trained on the COCO dataset which contains 1000 objects commonly found in American houses. For example chair, person, cup, etc. It exhibits false positives, a picture on the wall is classified as a TV.


The original Google example depends on numpy and opencv. This derived example removes the opencv.resize usage, and uses self.auto_analyze_resolution to set the resolution required by the example. This was done to decrease apk size (no opencv) and increase performance on faster devices.

This Google example was chosen because it was trained on a complex dataset and thus slow to infer objects, and so is a test of any performance limitations. Detection update rates and detection confidence vary by platform, because platforms use different delegates. The NNAPI delegate, available on Android >= 11 seems to be the fastest.

For this example platform performance is approximately (note with the excepton of arm7 list is a list of the highest version I have actually tried, not a list of what version is required):

Platform tflite version approx annotations per sec
Windows i7 2.12.0 9
Emulator x86 (Windows i7) 2.8.0 1
Mac i5 2.5.0.post1 3
Nexus5 Android 6 arm7 2.8.0 5
Windows + Coral 2.5.0.post1 7
Pixel5 Android 12 arm8 2.12.0 27

These are annotation update rates, for Camera4Kivy background image frame update rates are mostly independent of this. Surprisingly single digit annoatation rates provide acceptable behavior, this is because of the stochastic nature of detection. Conversly a high update rate appears too fast, tuning might be required.

On the desktop we use the Python tensorflow package. On mobile devices the Python tflite-runtime package.

The example uses the recipe for tflite-runtime included in p4a. This uses tflite-runtime 2.11.0, and runs on arm7 and arm8 devices and the x86 (but not x86_64) emulator.

Image Analysis Architecture

Tensorflow Image analysis has four distinct components:

  • The tensorflow lite model, formated to include tensor labels. Created for example with Model Maker and also here. A model is created using a training data set.

  • The Python tflite-runtime package. This performs inference based on the model and the input image. This package is available from Google on most desktops, and provided by a Python-for-Android recipe on Android.

  • The model interface, specific to the tflite model, in this case object_detection/object_detector.py. This encodes the model input for tflite runtime, executes the tflite runtime on one frame, and decodes the tflite runtime output.

  • The Camera4Kivy interface classifyobject.py. This passes the video frame to the model interface, and annotates the model interface output onto the Preview widget canvas.

tflite-runtime Documentation

Python API, Python quickstart, and 21 Python examples.


This example depends on Camera4Kivy. Depending on the platform you may need to install a camera provider.

Windows, MacOS x86_64, Linux

pip3 install numpy camera4kivy tensorflow

If you use a Coral Accelerator set enable_edgetpu = True in classifyobject.py.


The buildozer.spec has these characteristics:

source.include_exts = ...,tflite
source.exclude_patterns = object_detection/efficient*.tflite
requirements = python3,kivy,camera4kivy,gestures4kivy,numpy,tflite-runtime
android.api = 33
android.arch = arm64-v8a
p4a.hook = camerax_provider/gradle_options.py

Note: the p4a recipe uses tlflite 2.8.0, this has not been updated due to a Tensorflow issue on armeab-v7a devices issue status. However it is possible to run 2.12.0 on other Android archectures, a recipe for 2.12.0 is included with this repository (but fails to build on armeab-v7a). To use, in buildozer.spec set:

p4a.local_recipes = tfl_2_12_not_arm7

Note armeab-v7a: Some very old armeab-v7a devices may not have NEON instructions and will not work (the failure mechanism, if any, is unknown). Set android.minapi = 23 to exclude these devices (and some devices that do have NEON instructions as well).

Note x86_84: This recipe does not build for x86_64, for an emulator use x86. Using x86_64 will result in one of these app run time error messages: "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tensorflow'", or "ModuleNotFoundError: No module named 'tflite_runtime'.


This example is not available on iOS due to lack of an tflite-runtime recipe.