Android application to record their voice or any other sound for that matter and the recording gets stored locally and can be listened to any time in the future as per the requirement using Kotlin Programming Language.
- AlihanCelik
- chonamdooseoul
- G0ncharovAA
- JanepetraIndonesia
- kyawlinnthant
- mrabelwahedAndela
- Poxtanune38301
- riorisqiYogyakarta, Indonesia
- siddhraj-sinhGujarat, India
- silvanadorantesBarquisimeto, Estado Lara. Venezuela
- silvanadorantes6
- stoufam711 shaf in front of you
- tawonat7Comquest Studios
- theandreyway
- YasserElgammalEgypt
- yu-Williams
- ziko-ever