
This is simple demo which provides implementation of AES and RSA Encryption and decryption algorithm

Primary LanguageJava


This is simple demo which provides implementation of AES Encryption and decryption algorithm This is simple demo which provides implementation of AES Encryption and decryption algorithm. The UI interface provides a user input edit text field wherein a user can enter the text to be encrypted. Now on clicking Encode button, the entered text will be encrypted using AES algorithm which will be displayed in Encoded output response text field and when the user will click Decode button, he will be able to retrive back the original input string, by performing decryption logic, which will then be displayed in decoded data text field.

Another button named: RSA with forward navigation icon has been added for performing the encryption/decryption using RSA Algorithm and button named: AES with backward navigation icon for performing encryption/decryption using AES algorithm