A curated list of Android related articles and resources available in English or Bahasa Indonesia
Your contribution is very encouraged and will highly appreciated! Every commit matters! 💪💪
🇬🇧 Bahasa Inggris
🇮🇩 Bahasa Indonesia
🌟 Dokumentasi Resmi dari developer.android.com
🐙 Supporting Code [ Repo / Code Snippet ] link
📹 Video / Include Video
- Fundamental
- Networking
- UX - User Experience
- Material Design
- RxJava
- Dependecy Injection
- Job Scheduler
- Design Pattern
- Firebase
- Bluetooth
- Google Maps
- Testing
- Kotlin
- Development Tools
- Publishing
- Security
- Retrofit Getting Started 🇬🇧
- Mengeksekusi CRUD REST API dengan Retrofit 2 🇮🇩
- Certificate public key pinninng android retrofit 2 🇬🇧
- UberUx - Entire animation stack of Uber android app 🐙
- Scrolling Behavior for AppBars Android 🇬🇧
- Material Design - Activity Transition🇬🇧
- Animate all the things transition🇬🇧
- Material Design Training 🇬🇧 🌟
- Android Hive Material Design Category 🇬🇧
- Material Design Documentation 🇬🇧
- RxJava Github Link 🐙
- Wrapping your imperative brain around functional programming in RxJava 🇬🇧
- Grokking RxJava 1.x Part 1: The Basic 🇬🇧
- Grokking RxJava 1.x Part 2: Operator, Operator 🇬🇧
- Grokking RxJava 1.x Part 3: Reactive with Benefits 🇬🇧
- Grokking RxJava 1.x Part 4: Reactive Android 🇬🇧
- SOLID Android Analytics with RxJava2
- RxJava Error Handling 🇬🇧
- Keeping the Daggers Sharp 🇬🇧
- Dependency Injection Made Simple 🇬🇧 📹
- Demystifying the new Dagger Android Injection API 🇬🇧
- Understanding Dagger 2.11 on Android 📹
- Dagger 2.11 Component Builder 🇬🇧
- Android Job Priority Queue Github Link 🐙
- Use Android Priority Job Queue library for your background tasks 🇬🇧
- Google's Sample for Android Architectures 🐙
- Android Repository Design Pattern 🇬🇧
- Clean Architecture, MVC, MVP notes 🇬🇧
- StylingAndroid - Lifecycle Component 🇬🇧
- StylingAndroid - LiveData 🇬🇧
- StylingAndroid - ViewModel 🇬🇧
- Yigit Boyar - Architecture Components - Behind the Scenes 📹
- Internet utility with AAC LiveData 🇬🇧
- Riggaroo - Android Architecture Articles 🇬🇧
- Android MVVM Architecture - Part 1 🇬🇧
- Android MVVM Architecture - Part 2 🇬🇧
- Android MVVM Architecture - Part 3 🇬🇧
- Android Testing Box: Various Testing Tools Sample 🇬🇧
- Android Test Coverage with Jacoco and SonarQube 🇬🇧
- Idiomatic Kotlin. Best Practice 🇬🇧
- Clean Code Kotlin 🇬🇧
- Kotlin 101 - Constuctors 🇬🇧
- Kotlin 101 - Extension Functions 🇬🇧
- Collection of Useful Kotlin Resources 🇬🇧
- 100+ Resource To Learn Kotlin The Right Way 🇬🇧
- Realm's Kotlin Learning Path 🇬🇧 📹
- Realm Academy
- Android Arsenal
- Guides @ Codepath
- Daftar API Lokal Indonesia
- Android Weekly
- Tutorial Point
- Google Codelabs
- Simply create an issue on Github for a link that you think deserve to be included in here!
- Pull request! It will be always prioritized than the first approach
- Create supporting code or snippet! Talk is cheap, we should show them some code! 🐙