A TextView that automatically fit its font and line count based on its available size and content
- 0
- 1
- 5
License is missing copyright
#53 opened by etanhatch - 0
#56 opened by majidAl - 1
This library failed if only emojies text
#54 opened by hardikJoshi123 - 1
- 1
- 0
Android Developer
#48 opened by 1234titch - 1
Dosen't work with Chinese multiline sentence
#47 opened by imlk0 - 16
when i add onclick attribute, application crashes
#46 opened by saeedm1 - 1
Support for widget
#44 opened by hearsilent - 11
Not working if it has weblink from server
#43 opened by hardikJoshi123 - 18
Size gets crazy inside a cardView in recyclerView
#35 opened by oskarko - 8
AutoResizeTextView doesn't wrap content when has new line character in the string ('\n')
#37 opened by overcomer - 3
- 3
- 5
Add Edit Text for auto fitting
#29 opened by CrandellWS - 2
Special case when used inside ViewPager
#32 opened by casperbang - 1
- 2
- 6
Set text size method clarification
#40 opened by stanmots - 1
- 16
When AutoResizeTextView is used in a custom view for a TabLayout.Tab, the text progressively gets smaller as the tab is selected and reselected
#22 opened by afahrenholtzmcgladrey - 2
#36 opened by vishuhm911 - 1
- 2
Text not show in lollipop version
#33 opened by Harin-Kaklotar - 16
Bug: on rare cases, last letter of the word can wrap to the next line
#15 opened by AndroidDeveloperLB - 8
Shadow behind AutoFitTextView
#31 opened by axelfran - 8
Bug: Don't chain constructors with this().
#30 opened by reubenscratton - 8
Doesn't auto resize in the first time
#28 opened by hakan6000 - 12
Truncated Word
#25 opened by mpekalski - 0
Bug: on certain cases, text might become in 3 lines even though it's set to max of 2 lines
#23 opened by AndroidDeveloperLB - 1
Use for EditText
#21 opened by chrisonline - 5
fit for Android 5.0+
#19 opened by THEONE10211024 - 5
#18 opened by crysan - 7
Home widget
#17 opened by salvolf - 2
Changing textSize programmatically doesn't work
#16 opened by borjaruiz - 0
- 0
Doesn't seem to be properly filling
#11 opened by samskiter - 6
Resizing getting always smaller
#9 opened by thomaslc66 - 1
Text size is not changing :-S
#1 opened by forlayo - 1
Uploading to maven central
#3 opened by fhur - 1
maxWidth calculation in onTestSize
#5 opened by algrid - 1
- 1
Sample is too complicated ;)
#6 opened by RoundSparrow - 2
Typeface issue
#7 opened by riyase