
Instruction for installing the Jagex Launcher on Linux

Jagex Launcher Linux

This repo contains instruction on how to run the Jagex Launcher in Linux as well as how to play through RuneLite


I am not affiliated with Jagex or RuneLite, and assumes no responsibility for the contens of this page


Replace USERNAME with the name of your Linux user


Install Wine with the link above and follow the instructions for your distribution


Install WineTricks through your package manager. For example: sudo apt install winetricks

.NET Framework

Install .NET Framework with the following command: winetricks --force -q dotnet48

Manual installation (Click to expand)

Start WineTricks with the following command: winetricks --force
Ignore any pop-ups and keep pressing OK until you can proceed

Select "Select the default wineprefix and click OK"

Select "Install a Windows DLL or component and click OK"

Select "dotnet48" and click OK

Accept the license terms and click Install

If you get this warning just click Continue

Accept the license terms and click Install

Jagex Launcher

Install the Jagex Launcher either in a Windows virtual machine or on a seperate computer
Copy the installation folder to your home directory on your Linux computer

Desktop entry

Create a new file called jagex-launcher.desktop with the following text:

[Desktop Entry]
Name=Jagex Launcher
Exec=wine /home/USERNAME/Jagex\ Launcher/JagexLauncher.exe

Save the file in: /home/USERNAME/.local/share/appliations
Download the Jagex Launcher icon and save it in /home/USERNAME/.local/share/icons
Make sure that the exec path is the same as the path to the Jagex Launcher


Navigate to this directory: /home/USERNAME/.wine/drive_c/users/USERNAME/AppData/Local
Create a new folder called RuneLiteand move RuneLite.AppImage to this directory.
Make the file executable with the following command: sudo chmod +x RuneLite.AppImage

Create a new file called RuneLite.sh with the following text:

cd /home/USERNAME/.wine/drive_c/users/USERNAME/AppData/Local/RuneLite

Save the file in the RuneLite folder you just created
Make RuneLite.sh executable with the following command: sudo chmod +x RuneLite.sh
Create a symbolic link to RuneLite.sh with the following command: ln -s RuneLite.sh RuneLite.exe

Windows Registry

Create a new file called InstallLocation.reg with the following text:

Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00
[HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Uninstall\RuneLite Launcher_is1]

Save the file in your home directory
Open Windows Registry Editor with the following command: winetricks regedit
Select registry, Import Registry File.. and import the file you just created.

When you are done it should look like this (Click to show image)


Thanks to c00k and jolty__ for making the information available to create this repo

How to use Jagex's New Launcher on Linux by c00k
Native Linux RuneLite running with Jagex Launcher by jolty__