
TigerAPI is a lightweight PHP framework designed for developing RESTful APIs with ease


TigerAPI is a lightweight PHP framework designed for developing RESTful APIs with ease. It provides essential features for building robust and scalable APIs, including routing, middleware support, error handling, validation, caching, and automatic API documentation generation.


Simple and intuitive routing system Middleware support for processing requests Error handling with customizable error messages and responses Built-in validation for input data Caching mechanism for improving performance Automatic API documentation generation using Swagger or OpenAPI Installation:

Clone the TigerAPI repository to your local machine. Install Composer if you haven't already. Run composer install to install the dependencies. Configure your web server to point to the public directory as the document root. Usage:

Define routes in the routes.php file. Implement controllers to handle route actions. Use middleware for authentication, validation, or other request preprocessing tasks. Customize error handling and validation rules based on your application requirements. Integrate caching to improve API performance and responsiveness. Contributing:

Contributions are welcome! If you find any bugs or have suggestions for improvements, please submit an issue or open a pull request. Make sure to follow the contribution guidelines outlined in the CONTRIBUTING.md file.


TigerAPI is open-source software licensed under the MIT License.


TigerAPI is developed and maintained by Moein Baghsheikhi. For questions or inquiries, feel free to contact me at moein.baghsheikhi@gmail.com


We would like to thank all contributors and users who have helped improve TigerAPI with their feedback and contributions. Your support is greatly appreciated!

