
A game that simulates a tournament between 2 teams of fantasy fighters, written in C++

Primary LanguageC++

Fantasy Combat Tournament

Simulates a tournament between 2 teams of fantasy fighters, written in C++.

This game is a one-user-two-player game, so one user should be able to play and setup fighters for both teams. For simplicity, the order of fighters in each team is called a “lineup”, like a batting order in baseball or softball.


This game universe contains Vampire, Barbarian, Blue Men, Medusa, and Harry Potter. Each character has attributes of attack, defense, armor, and strength points.

The table containing the attributes data is shown below.

Note: “1d12” means rolling one 12-sided die, and “2d6” means rolling 2 6-sided dice, etc.

Vampire 1d12 1d6* Charm 1 18
Barbarian 2d6 2d6 0 12
Blue Men 2d10 3d6 3 12* Mob
Medusa 2d6* Glare 1d6 3 8
Harry Potter 2d6 2d6 0 10/20* Hogwarts

The characters also have their own characteristics as well as special abilities:

Vampire Suave, debonair, but vicious and surprisingly resilient. Charm: Vampires can charm an opponent into not attacking. For a given attack there is a 50% chance that their opponent does not actually attack them.
Barbarian Think Conan or Hercules from the movies. Big sword, big muscles, bare torso. No ability
Blue Men They are small, 6 inch tall, but fast and tough. They are hard to hit so they can take some damage. They can also do a LOT of damage when they crawl inside enemies’ armor or clothing. Mob: Blue Men are actually a swarm of small individuals. For every 4 points of damage, they lose one defense die. For example, if they have a strength of 8, they would have 2d6 for defense.
Medusa Scrawny lady with snakes for hair which helps her during combat. Just don’t look at her! Glare: If a Medusa rolls a 12 when attacking then the target instantly gets turned into stone and Medusa wins! If Medusa uses Glare on Harry Potter on his first life, then Harry Potter comes back to life.
Harry Potter Harry Potter is a wizard. Hogwarts: If Harry Potter's strength reaches 0 or below, he immediately recovers and his total strength becomes 20. If he were to die again, then he’s dead.

Note: If Medusa uses “glare” on Harry Potter on his first life, then Harry Potter comes back to life after using “hogwarts”. If the Vampire’s “charm” ability activates when Medusa uses “glare”, the Vampire’s charm trumps Medusa’s glare. The sample characters are unbalanced intentionally. Some will win a lot, while others won’t.


At the start of the tournament, the game will prompt the player to enter the number of fighters for both teams. After that, for each fighter, the game will ask the player to choose the type of character, and enter a name for the fighter. For example: assume the player chooses Harry Potter for player No.1’s team lineup, then the player can name the Harry Potter character “Larry Snotter” or just “Harry Potter No.1”. The game allows more than 1 of the same character for team lineups. For example, Team A can have 3 members: 2 barbarians and 1 Harry Potter. The order of the lineup is the same as the order the player entered.

After the player supplies the lineup of fighters in order, for Team No.1, and Team No.2, the tournament starts. In the tournament, the fighter at the head/front of each lineup will battle until one of the characters runs out of strength points.

Each round of combat consists of two attacks, one for each character. For each attack, the attacker and defender both generate dice rolls (the type and number of dice is listed above in the table). The actual damage inflicted from the attacker onto the defender is calculated as follows:

Damage = attacker’s roll – defender’s roll – defender’s armor

Then the value of that damage is subtracted from the defender’s strength points.

Example: character A attacks with dice roll of: 8 & 10, which means it has an attack of 18, and character B defends with dice roll of 5 & 6, which means it has defense of 11, character B also has an armor attribute of 3. So the actual damage inflicted from A to B is 18 – 11 – 3 = 4. If character B has 8 strength points remaining during that round, their new remaining strength points would be 8 – 4 = 4, which means during the next round B will have 4 strength points. If character B has 3 strength points remaining during that round, their new remaining strength points would be 3 – 4 = -1, which means character B dies.

The winner of each fight gets put at the back of their lineup, while loser goes to the top of the loser pile.

If a fighter won, they may have taken damage so some percentage of the damage they took is restored when they get back in line.

The lineup order cannot be changed, meaning that the game cannot modify the order of the lineup except when putting the winner at the back of lineup and the loser at the top of the loser container.

The tournament finishes when one of the team does not have any more fighters to fight. When the game ends, it displays the result of the game, and allows the player choose if they want to display the contents of the loser pile.