Rusty Text Scanner (rtc)

Rusty Text Scanner is a command-line tool written in Rust for scanning text files and highlighting occurrences of a search word. It provides flexibility with search modes and case sensitivity options.


To install Rusty Text Scanner, use Cargo (Rust's package manager):

git clone
cd rusty-text-scanner
cargo install --path .

This will compile the project and install the rtc binary into your Cargo binaries directory.


rtc <file_path> <search_word> [search_mode] [case_sensitive]
  • <file_path>: Path to the text file to be scanned.
  • <search_word>: Word to search for in the text file.
  • [search_mode]: Optional. Specify search mode:
    • exact (default): Highlight exact matches of the search word.
    • contains: Highlight lines containing the search word.
  • [case_sensitive]: Optional. Specify case sensitivity:
    • false (default): Perform a case-insensitive search.
    • true: Perform a case-sensitive search.


Search for the word "error" in a log file (log.txt):

rtc log.txt error

Search for lines containing "warning" in a case-sensitive manner:

rtc log.txt warning exact true


Contributions are welcome! If you encounter any issues or have suggestions, please open an issue on GitHub.