
Great speaker, Cicero is a text-to-speech Discord Bot!

Primary LanguageTypeScript

Cicero - Text-to-speech Discord bot

Cicero is a text-to-speech Discord bot, it's able to say anything you can imagine, in the language of your choice!
Cicero was made with a Google translate wrapper, so it's totally free, no api key is needed!


Voice commands

!join: Joins your voice channel!
!speak [language] [text]: Speaks in your voice channel! !queue: Displays the server queue!

Commando commands

!help: Displays the help page
!reload [cmd]: Reloads a command
!load [cmd]: Loads a command
!unload [cmd]: Unloads a command
!disable [cmd/group]: Disables a command or a group of commands
!enable [cmd/group]: Enables a command or a group of commands
!groups: Lists all command groups
!prefix: Shows or sets the command prefix
!ping: Checks the bot's ping to the Discord server
!eval: Executes JavaScript code


speaking terminated queue