🌀 What's really in your Discord Data package?
- 0
- 1
Payments total
#78 opened by Mathu-lmn - 0
add predicted age/gender
#79 opened by Androz2091 - 0
- 3
How is timezone for "discord hours" adjusted?
#69 opened by 5HT2 - 2
Nothing happens when I try using it.
#63 opened by tildethinexxbisense - 1
IDEA: Top 10 most said words/phrases
#58 opened by bar-tos - 1
Currencies show up wrongly
#56 opened by ShockTr - 3
- 0
- 1
Top Users was wrong
#64 opened by BastienBoymond - 0
Messages to user / days known
#66 opened by ChildishGiant - 2
[Request] Desktop App
#67 opened by JinstoNim - 2
Bug, duplication top user
#68 opened by Kaputchino - 1
Group DMs not included
#72 opened by vsarca - 4
Improve SVG filling
#38 opened by Androz2091 - 0
- 1
- 2
How to install with Docker ?
#23 opened by ChRiiS - 2
hard-coded URLs
#46 opened by JohnnyJayJay - 3
- 1
Site freezes
#45 opened by the-sonny - 6
Username and top users are Unknown
#41 opened by RuiNtD - 2
Chart is not exported by frappe-charts
#42 opened by AeonLucid - 1
Username and Top Users are Unknown
#40 opened by rohzzn - 5
Improve browsers compatibility
#19 opened by Androz2091 - 1
- 3
[Run Issue] error: 'Chart' is not exported by node_modules\frappe-charts\dist\frappe-charts.min.umd.js, imported by node_modules\svelte-frappe-charts\src\components\base.svelte
#29 opened by SpoonMcForky - 12
Some data is missing in the package file
#34 opened by Rjohn1277 - 2
Data won't load into the website
#33 opened by whatisaname - 1
- 1
Crash when i import my package
#22 opened by yoann56100 - 9
- 0
UI: SVG icons don't have the same height/width
#16 opened by Androz2091 - 3
[!] Error: 'Chart' is not exported by node_modules/frappe-charts/dist/frappe-charts.min.iife.js, imported by node_modules/svelte-frappe-charts/src/components/base.svelte
#21 opened by JohnnyJayJay - 5
TypeError: network error
#20 opened by ven - 11
How to load my file?
#18 opened by imyanice - 1
Crashes upon attempting to stream the file
#17 opened by TheNoob27 - 2
- 7
Site does not load my data at all
#5 opened by MrJacz - 3
(Suggestion) Show top 10 of words used with counts rather than just one favourite word
#4 opened by Jackenmen - 5
Inaccurate numbers
#2 opened by AlmostSuspense - 0
Wrong user discriminator
#1 opened by Androz2091