
Pytest code along practice

Primary LanguagePython


Pytest code along practice

Tutorial video: Learn pytest in 6 Hours⏰ | Complete pytest framework Tutorial


pytest -rA --verbose - best way to run tests because it is informative

pytest -k lambdatest -rA -v - will run all tests that contain string "lambdatest"

pytest -k [fileName.py]::[test_nameInTheFile] -rA -v - will run a specific test from a specific file

pytest -m smoke - will run tests marked by @pytest.mark.smoke

pytest --disable-warnings - disables warnings

pytest -m "smoke and integration" - will run tests marked as smoke and integration

pytest -m "smoke and not integration" - will run tests marked as smoke but will not run integration

pytest -m "smoke or integration" - will run tests marked as smoke or integration

pytest --collectonly test_parameters.py - will collect and check files classes and functions but does not run tests

pytest tests --html=AutomationPageObjectReport.html - will run tests in tests folder and generate HTML report (install Pytest-HTML before that)