
my project

Primary LanguagePython


This is filemanager which is created in order to help you to organize particular files into extension folders with different creation time. The Tkinter library was used to build the interface

The program uses os module for working with file paths and directories, while shutil module allows to copy files to requiered directories and time module helps to determine files which were created for a certain period of time. All these modules are built-in, so that you don't need to use pip install.

Instrunction for usage

First, go to the Ready_app folder and run main.py file. When you do so, the small interface appears.


The second thing you need to do is to think up name for mainfolder, you can choose any name, but you must make sure that folder with that name does not exist on your computer. Mainfolder is the main directory inside it will be placed other extensions-named folders, such pdf, docx, txt, etc.

The third, choose the period of time for files you need. You can choose any, but I don't recommend type too big number.

The fourth, choose the extensions you want type extensions with dot like .pdf, .docx and separate them with one space.

The fifth, choose the directory for mainfolder, type full path to directory.

The sixth, choose the path from where your files will be copied at, also enter full path.

The last one, decide whether you want to delete these files or not, press Yes, if so.

Here is the correct example of filling application form.


Then push Run code button and wait until program finishes its work. After that, you can go to the path you choose for mainfolder to check what you have.