An E-commerce website named SHOOS with both customer-facing and admin section. Built using JavaScript & Sass, and populated by a Strapi API.
The goal for this project was to build an E-commerce website with a self-selected theme. The final website consist of the following the following pages and functionality:
Home page with a list of featured products fetched from the API
Products page with a list of all products in the API.
Detailed product page with details.
Cart that shows products added and the total price.
Admin login page using local storage to keep the user logged in.
Admin create/edit products pages, including image upload functionality.
- Clone the repo:
git clone
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
To run the app, run the following commands:
- Clone the connected Strapi repo:
git clone
- Install the dependencies:
npm install
- Run the project
npm run develop
The admin panel will open at http://localhost:1337/admin
- Open the index.html file using VSCode's Live Server extension
If you are to contribute on this project. Please make changes in a separate branch, and open a pull request upon completion.