Semester Project 2


An E-commerce website named SHOOS with both customer-facing and admin section. Built using JavaScript & Sass, and populated by a Strapi API.


The goal for this project was to build an E-commerce website with a self-selected theme. The final website consist of the following the following pages and functionality:

  • Home page with a list of featured products fetched from the API

  • Products page with a list of all products in the API.

  • Detailed product page with details.

  • Cart that shows products added and the total price.

  • Admin login page using local storage to keep the user logged in.

  • Admin create/edit products pages, including image upload functionality.

Built With

Getting Started


  1. Clone the repo:
git clone
  1. Install the dependencies:
npm install


To run the app, run the following commands:

  1. Clone the connected Strapi repo:
git clone
  1. Install the dependencies:
npm install
  1. Run the project
npm run develop

The admin panel will open at http://localhost:1337/admin.

  1. Open the index.html file using VSCode's Live Server extension


If you are to contribute on this project. Please make changes in a separate branch, and open a pull request upon completion.


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