
Contains landing page documentation for the PyAnsys project

Primary LanguagePython

PyAnsys Project

Welcome to the PyAnsys Project!

The PyAnsys project is a collection of Python packages to enable the usage of Ansys products through Python.

This project originally began as a single package, pyansys, and has been expanded to five main packages:

  • PyMAPDL : Pythonic interface to MAPDL
  • PyAEDT : Pythonic interface to AEDT
  • PyDPF-Core : Post-Processing using the Data Processing Framework (DPF). More complex yet and more powerful post-processing APIs.
  • PyDPF-Post : Streamlined and simplified DPF Post Processing. Higher level package and uses ansys-dpf-core.
  • Legacy PyMAPDL Reader: Legacy result file reader. Supports result files from MAPDL v14.5 to the current release.

This is an expanding and developing project. Feel free to post issues on the various GitHub pages in this document. For additional support, contact the PyAnsys Support and your requests will be routed correctly.

You can also chat on discord at:


Please note that this may or may not be monitored regularly by the PyAnsys maintainer(s). We'll do the best we can to respond, but your best bet is to try to post issues on the applicable repository at PyAnsys GitHub. Look for the Issues page within a project's repository page.


To use PyAnsys you need to install the applicable packages for your product:


  • pip install ansys-mapdl-core


  • pip install pyaedt

MAPDL Post-Processing:

  • pip install ansys-dpf-core
  • pip install ansys-dpf-post
  • pip install ansys-mapdl-reader


The PyAnsys project supports Pythonic access to MAPDL to be able to communicate with the MAPDL process directly from Python. The original PyAnsys project was limited to either the console or CORBA interface, and the latest ansys-mapdl-core package enables a more comprehensive interface with MAPDL and supports:

  • All the features of the original module (e.g. pythonic commands, interactive sessions).
  • Remote connections to MAPDL from anywhere via gRPC.
  • Direct access to MAPDL arrays, meshes, and geometry as Python objects.
  • Low level access to the MAPDL solver through APDL math in a scipy like interface.


Install this package with:

pip install ansys-mapdl-core


Here's a brief example of how PyMAPDL works:

>>> from ansys.mapdl.core import launch_mapdl
>>> mapdl = launch_mapdl()
>>> print(mapdl)

Product:             ANSYS Mechanical Enterprise
MAPDL Version:       RELEASE  2021 R1           BUILD 21.0
PyMAPDL Version:     Version: 0.57.0

MAPDL functions can be called directly from an Mapdl instance in a pythonic manner. This is to simplify calling MAPDL, especially when inputs are variables within Python. For example, the following two commands are equivalent:

mapdl.k(1, 0, 0, 0)
mapdl.run('K, 1, 0, 0, 0')

This approach takes care of the string formatting for you. For example, inputting points from a numpy array:

# make 10 random keypoints in ANSYS
points = np.random.random((10, 3))
for i, (x, y, z) in enumerate(points):
    mapdl.k(i + 1, x, y, z)

Resources and Links

For more details, see:


PyAEDT is intended to consolidate and extend all existing functionalities around scripting for Ansys Electronics Desktop (AEDT) to allow reuse of existing code, sharing of best practices, and increased collaboration. PyAEDT is licensed under the MIT License.

PyAEDT includes functionality for interacting with the following AEDT tools and Ansys products:

  • HFSS and HFSS 3D Layout
  • Icepak
  • Maxwell 2D/3D and RMxprt
  • Q3D/2DExtractor
  • Mechanical
  • Nexxim
  • Simplorer
  • EDB Database

PyAEDT is a Python library that interacts directly with the AEDT API to make scripting simpler for the end user. It uses an architecture that can be reused for all AEDT 3D products (HFSS, Icepak, Maxwell 3D, Q3D and Mechanical) as well as 2D tools and circuit tools like Nexxim and Simplorer. Finally it provides scripting capabilities in Ansys layout tools like HFSS 3D Layout and EDB. Its class and method structures simplify operation for the end user while reusing information as much as possible across the API.

  • All the features of the original module (e.g. pythonic commands, interactive sessions).
  • Remote connections to MAPDL from anywhere via gRPC.
  • Direct access to MAPDL arrays, meshes, and geometry as Python objects.
  • Low level access to the MAPDL solver through APDL math in a scipy like interface.


Install this package with:

pip install pyaedt


  1. Initialize the Desktop class with the version of AEDT to use.
  2. Initialize the application to use within AEDT.

Connect to Desktop from Python IDE

PyAEDT works both inside AEDT and as a standalone application. It automatically detects whether it is running in an IronPython or CPython environment and initializes the Desktop accordingly. PyAEDT also provides advanced error management. Usage examples follow.

Explicit Desktop declaration and error management

Launch AEDT 2021 R1 in Non-Graphical mode

from pyaedt import Desktop, Circuit
with Desktop(specified_version="2021.1",
             non_graphical=False, new_desktop_session=True,
             close_on_exit=True, student_version=False):
    circuit = Circuit()
    # Any error here will be caught by Desktop.

# Desktop is automatically released here.

Resources and Links

For more details, see:



PyDPF-Core is available for Ansys 2021R1 and newer.

The Data Processing Framework (DPF) is designed to provide numerical simulation users/engineers with a toolbox for accessing and transforming simulation data. DPF can access data from solver result files as well as several neutral formats (csv, hdf5, vtk, etc.). Various operators are available allowing the manipulation and the transformation of this data.

DPF is a workflow-based framework which allows simple and/or complex evaluations by chaining operators. The data in DPF is defined based on physics agnostic mathematical quantities described in a self-sufficient entity called field. This allows DPF to be a modular and easy to use tool with a large range of capabilities. It's a product designed to handle large amount of data.

The Python ansys.dpf.core module provides a Python interface to the powerful DPF framework enabling rapid post-processing of a variety of Ansys file formats and physics solutions without ever leaving a Python environment.


Install this repository with:

` pip install ansys-dpf-core `


Provided you have Ansys 2021R1 installed, a DPF server will start automatically once you start using DPF from python.

Opening a result file generated from Ansys workbench or MAPDL is as easy as:

>>> from ansys.dpf.core import Model
>>> model = Model('file.rst')
>>> print(model)
DPF Model
Static analysis
Unit system: Metric (m, kg, N, s, V, A)
Physics Type: Mecanic
Available results:
     -  displacement
     -  element_nodal_forces
     -  volume
     -  energy_stiffness_matrix
     -  hourglass_energy
     -  thermal_dissipation_energy
     -  kinetic_energy
     -  co_energy
     -  incremental_energy
     -  temperature

Resources and Links

For more details, see:



PyDPF-Post is available for Ansys 2021R1 and newer.

The Data Processing Framework (DPF) is designed to provide numerical simulation users/engineers with a toolbox for accessing and transforming simulation data. DPF can access data from solver result files as well as several neutral formats (csv, hdf5, vtk, etc.). Various operators are available allowing the manipulation and the transformation of this data.

The Python ansys.dpf.post package provides an simplified Python interface to DPF, thus enabling rapid post-processing without leaving a Python environment.

This module leverages the DPF-Core project's ansys.dpf.core package, which can be used to build more advanced and customized workflows using Ansys's DPF.


Install this repository with:

pip install ansys-dpf-post

Example Usage

Provided you have ANSYS 2021R1 installed, a DPF server will start automatically once you start using DPF-Post. Should you wish to use DPF-Post without 2020R1, see the DPF Docker Documentation.

Opening and plotting a result file generated from Ansys workbench or MAPDL is as easy as:

>>> from ansys.dpf import post
>>> from ansys.dpf.post import examples
>>> solution = post.load_solution(examples.multishells_rst)
>>> stress = solution.stress()
>>> stress.xx.plot_contour(show_edges=False)

Example Stress Plot

Or extract the raw data as a numpy array with:

>>> stress.xx.get_data_at_field(0)
array([-3.37871094e+10, -4.42471752e+10, -4.13249463e+10, ...,
        3.66408342e+10,  1.40736914e+11,  1.38633557e+11])

Resources and Links

For more details, see:

Legacy PyMAPDL Reader

This is the legacy module for reading in binary and ASCII files generated from MAPDL.

This Python module allows you to extract data directly from binary ANSYS v14.5+ files and to display or animate them rapidly using a straightforward API coupled with C libraries based on header files provided by ANSYS.

The ansys-mapdl-reader module supports the following formats:

  • *.rst - Structural analysis result file
  • *.rth - Thermal analysis result file
  • *.emat - Element matrix data file
  • *.full - Full stiffness-mass matrix file
  • *.cdb or *.dat - MAPDL ASCII block archive and Mechanical Workbench input files

Please see the PyMAPDL-Reader Documentation for the full documentation.


This module will likely change or be depreciated in the future.

You are encouraged to use the new Data Processing Framework (DPF) modules at DPF-Core and DPF-Post as they provide a modern interface to ANSYS result files using a client/server interface using the same software used within ANSYS Workbench, but via a Python client.

Loading and Plotting an Ansys Archive File

ANSYS archive files containing solid elements (both legacy and modern), can be loaded using Archive and then converted to a vtk object.

from ansys.mapdl import reader as pymapdl_reader
from ansys.mapdl.reader import examples

# Sample *.cdb
filename = examples.hexarchivefile

# Read ansys archive file
archive = pyansys.Archive(filename)

# Print raw data from cdb
for key in archive.raw:
   print("%s : %s" % (key, archive.raw[key]))

# Create a vtk unstructured grid from the raw data and plot it
grid = archive.parse_vtk(force_linear=True)
grid.plot(color='w', show_edges=True)

# write this as a vtk xml file

# or as a vtk binary
Hexahedral beam

You can then load this vtk file using pyvista or another program that uses VTK.

# Load this from vtk
import pyvista as pv
grid = pv.UnstructuredGrid('hex.vtu')

Loading the Result File

This example reads in binary results from a modal analysis of a beam from MAPDL.

# Load the reader from pyansys
from ansys.mapdl import reader as pymapdl_reader
from ansys.mapdl.reader import examples

# Sample result file
rstfile = examples.rstfile

# Create result object by loading the result file
result = pyansys.read_binary(rstfile)

# Beam natural frequencies
freqs = result.time_values
>>> print(freq)
[ 7366.49503969  7366.49503969 11504.89523664 17285.70459456
  17285.70459457 20137.19299035]

Get the 1st bending mode shape. Results are ordered based on the sorted node numbering. Note that results are zero indexed

>>> nnum, disp = result.nodal_solution(0)
>>> print(disp)
[[ 2.89623914e+01 -2.82480489e+01 -3.09226692e-01]
 [ 2.89489249e+01 -2.82342416e+01  2.47536161e+01]
 [ 2.89177130e+01 -2.82745126e+01  6.05151053e+00]
 [ 2.88715048e+01 -2.82764960e+01  1.22913304e+01]
 [ 2.89221536e+01 -2.82479511e+01  1.84965333e+01]
 [ 2.89623914e+01 -2.82480489e+01  3.09226692e-01]

Plotting Nodal Results

As the geometry of the model is contained within the result file, you can plot the result without having to load any additional geometry. Below, displacement for the first mode of the modal analysis beam is plotted using VTK.

# Plot the displacement of Mode 0 in the x direction
result.plot_nodal_solution(0, 'x', label='Displacement')

Results can be plotted non-interactively and screenshots saved by setting up the camera and saving the result. This can help with the visualization and post-processing of a batch result.

First, get the camera position from an interactive plot:

>>> cpos = result.plot_nodal_solution(0)
>>> print(cpos)
[(5.2722879880979345, 4.308737919176047, 10.467694436036483),
 (0.5, 0.5, 2.5),
 (-0.2565529433509593, 0.9227952809887077, -0.28745339908049733)]

Then generate the plot:

result.plot_nodal_solution(0, 'x', label='Displacement', cpos=cpos,
                           window_size=[800, 600], interactive=False)

Stress can be plotted as well using the below code. The nodal stress is computed in the same manner that Ansys uses by to determine the stress at each node by averaging the stress evaluated at that node for all attached elements. For now, only component stresses can be displayed.

# Display node averaged stress in x direction for result 6
result.plot_nodal_stress(5, 'Sx')

Nodal stress can also be generated non-interactively with:

result.plot_nodal_stress(5, 'Sx', cpos=cpos, screenshot=beam_stress.png,
                       window_size=[800, 600], interactive=False)


Installation through pip:

pip install ansys-mapdl-reader

You can also visit pymapdl-reader to download the source or releases from GitHub.

Resources and Links

For more details, see:

Shared Components

The PyAnsys project publishes and consumes shared software components. These enable interoperability between PyAnsys packages and minimizes maintenance burden.

For more details and a list of the available shared components see the Shared Components Documentation.

License and Acknowledgments

All the PyAnsys libraries are licensed under the MIT license.

These aforementioned Python libraries make no commercial claim over Ansys whatsoever. These tools extend the functionality of Ansys products by adding a Python interfaces to legally obtained software products without changing the core behavior or license of the original software.

To get a copy of Ansys, please visit Ansys.