
Verifiably Random SSL Cert Issuance using Chainlink's VRF

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Verifiably Random SSL Cert Issuance using Chainlink's VRF

Overall Plan -Simple MUI UI front-end framework for Alice, Bob, and Eve -Implement Basic React framework -Diffie-Hellman Formula Working w/ basic randomness for selection of N and g -Set up Chainlink VRF, get a request working -replace large prime number (N) randomness select with VRF -replace generator of N (g) randomness selection with VRF (may require legwork in validating ) -NOTE: The formula for producing a random modular generator (g) of a large prime number (N) is g = a^x mod N, where a is a random number from 1 to N-1 and x is a random number from 0 to N-2. -Re-design UI using cool React features -Add SSL cert display window