

How to use

There are three tabs

  • In the first tab, input what you want to translate.
  • In the second tab, the translated would be output.
  • The third tab demonstrate the table of comparisons.
  • Input source language and destination language in the below, according to the table of comparisons.

Attention: There cannot be "; in the comment. The logic is search "; and the " before. Extract the content in the middle and use Baidu api to translate.



  • 第一栏输入要翻译的文字
  • 第二栏输出翻译完的文字
  • 第三栏是国际化语言的对照表
  • 第一栏第二栏下可以填写源语言和目标语言 注意: 注释里不能有"; 具体思路