
Primary LanguageVim Script


I like the configuration that I use at work, but broke all the things when I tried to install it on my machine. This repo should make some of the things easier to track. I did borrow their .vimbundle and the associated shell script because it seems like an easy and lightweight way to keep track of vim plugins.

Install the dotfiles


You may not want to run the setup script since it's a little heavy-handed. If you have extant dotfiles then you can probably pick and choose what you want from here.

  1. clone this repo
  2. cd into the cloned dotfiles repo
  3. bin/setup.sh will copy the dotfiles to your home directory, and install vim plugins (and a colorscheme)

What's in here?

file description
.aliases shell, tmux, and git aliases are all sourced by the .bash_profile
.bash_profile a bunch of settings and a sweet prompt from Josh Cheek
.gemrc probably too much in here, but the important thing is the no-ri and no-doc
.gitconfig Sets a few git things like user, email, autorebase branches, and push defaults to simple
.pryrc turns the damn pager off
.tmux.conf pretty much lifted verbatim from dotmatrix. Keeps tmux the way I like it.
.vimbundle just a list of vim bundle repos
.vimrc just right


The bin/vim-bundle.sh script only kind of works. Make sure you get all the packages or things will be a little janky.


You'll need to install some software (duh).

  • vim 8 (neovim might work too, but idk)
  • git
  • tmux
  • Ag


  • tmux window names are still janky (#12W)
  • clean up trailing whitespace automatically