
Automatically exported from code.google.com/p/rb2doxy

Primary LanguageREALbasic

RB2Doxy Readme

Home of a project to combine using XSLT to extract meaning from the XML export of a project, generating skeletal Java classes, then running them through Doxygen.

Retained as an example of doing something interesting with XSLT.


The original REALBasic, now known as Xojo is a cross-platform environment using an OO BASIC plus its own cross-platform frameworks. It is a similar experience to VB.Net being driven primarily from a GUI environment to which you add code.

I wanted to be able to document code using Doxygen, so I would get basic class browsing and class diagrams then be able to add my own documentation in Markdown.


To run the converter on a REALbasic program saved as XML format, aproject.xml using the Saxon processor, freely available from http://saxon.sourceforge.net/

java -jar ~/saxon/saxon8.jar -novw -o todoxy.java ./aproject.xml RB2Doxy.xslt

This produces todoxy.java which can be processed by Doxygen like any other java file. There is a sample configuration file sample.doxyconfig which can be opened in DoxyWizard and run.

Another way to run is using the RunRB2Doxy.rbp project but as of 2008-10-09 it isn't working, only partially transforms the sample aproject.xml