- A light-weight hentai-manga reader written in lightening fast C++17
- Download book from exhentai's url (e.g., https://exhentai.org/g/1113473/86aec27633/)
- Store mangas locally
- GP direct download mode
- No-GP download mode, crawling mangas page-by-page
- Download ALL favorites manga in your exhentai account
- Add/ remove/ export mangas locally easily.
- Support local database tagging system - title/tag/author search
- Cookie cached login supported.
- Multithreading downloads, reading mangas while new ones downloaded in the background.
- Free, no ads!
your lovely local manga library, just click the thumbnail to open a manga, left/right arrow to flip the page.
All tags from exhentai will be automatically imported into the database locally, you can search the title/tags by using the searchbar.
- change the number of mangas displayed per page by setting the row/cols in
- change the default manga thumnails for empty slots
email: andy@andy-hsieh.com