
A Python project to create a custom command in bash terminal and help people find commands and descriptions of commands

Primary LanguagePython


A Python3 script to help with finding commands for Bash and Zsh
Optimized for MacOS (<0.1 seconds)

Adding alias

Go to home in terminal cd ~
Do vi .zprofile for zsh and vi .bash_profile for bash
Add alias help = "python3 /path/to/help.py" for help with common commands
Add alias hi = "python3 /path/to/helpInstalled.py for help with all installed commands
Restart terminal


help to help with common and builtin commands. hi to help with all installed commands.
help/hi [command] to list short info about the command
help/hi -abcdefhnorsuvx [command] prints the parts of the man page for the command depending on the arguments. Use help/hi -a helper or help/hi -a --help to list valid arguments
help/hi [question] lists the 3 commands closest to the question
help/hi -[N] [question] lists the N commands closest to the question, where N is a whole number


  • subprocess
  • sys