
35% faster than ResNet: Harmonic DenseNet, A low memory traffic network

Primary LanguagePython


See also SSD-HarDNet for Object Detection

and FC-HarDNet for Semantic Segmentation

  • Fully utilize your cuda cores!
  • Unlike CNN models using a lot of Conv1x1 to reduce model size and number of MACs, HarDNet mainly uses Conv3x3 (with only one Conv1x1 layer for each HarDNet block) to increase the computational density.
  • Increased computational density changes a model from Memory-Bound to Compute-Bound


HarDNet Block:

  • k = growth rate (as in DenseNet)
  • m = channel weighting factor (1.6~1.7)
  • Conv3x3 for all layers (no bottleneck layer)
  • Conv-BN-ReLU for all layers intead of BN-ReLU-Conv used in DenseNet
  • See MIPT-Oulu/pytorch_bn_fusion to get rid of BatchNorm for inference.
  • No global dense connection (input of a HarDBlk is NOT reused as a part of output)


  • Enhanced local feature extraction to benefit the detection of small objects
  • A transitional Conv1x1 layer is employed after each HarDNet block (HarDBlk)


Method MParam GMACs Inference
with SSD512
HarDNet68 17.6 4.3 22.5 ms 76.5 31.7
ResNet-50 25.6 4.1 31.0 ms 76.2 -
HarDNet85 36.7 9.1 38.0 ms 78.0 35.1
ResNet-101 44.6 7.8 51.2 ms 78.0 31.2
VGG-16 138 15.5 49 ms 73.4 28.8

* Inference time measured on an NVidia 1080ti with pytorch 1.1.0
300 iteraions of random 1024x1024 input images are averaged.

Results of Depthwise Separable (DS) version of HarDNet

Method MParam GMACs Inference
HarDNet39DS 3.5 0.44 32.5 ms 72.1
MobileNetV2 3.5 0.3 37.9 ms 72.0
HarDNet68DS 4.2 0.8 52.6 ms 74.3
MobileNetV2 1.4x 6.1 0.6 57.8 ms 74.7

** Inference time measured on an NVidia Jetson nano with TensorRT
500 iteraions of random 320x320 input images are averaged.

Train HarDNet models for ImageNet

Training prodedure is branched from https://github.com/pytorch/examples/tree/master/imagenet


python main.py -a hardnet68 [imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

arch = hardnet39ds | hardnet68ds | hardnet68 | hardnet85


python main.py -a hardnet68 --pretrained -e [imagenet-folder with train and val folders]

for HarDNet85, please download pretrained weights from here


  • epochs 150 ~ 250
  • initial lr = 0.05
  • batch size = 256
  • weight decay = 6e-5
  • cosine learning rate decay
  • nestrov = True