
A little tiny Magento 1 module that adds a version string to CSS and JS files

Primary LanguagePHP

Magento 1 Cache Version

A little tiny Magento 1 module that adds a version string to CSS and JS files

Before installation:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://yourwebsite.com/skin/frontend/base/default/css/style.css" />

After installation:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="http://yourwebsite.com/skin/frontend/base/default/css/style.css?v=1.2" />


Magento 1 Cache Version


Install like any other Magento module.

With Composer

Add this repository to composer.json

"repositories": [
      "type": "vcs",
      "url": "git@github.com:AndyMardell/magento-cacheversion.git"

And run

composer require mardell/cacheversion

Without Composer

If you don't use composer or modman, you can use the following:

cp -r src/ /path/to/your/magento/installation


To enable the module, log in to Magento and go to System > Configuration > CACHE VERSION > Configuration

If you release new CSS/JS and want to make sure it's not cached on return visitor's browsers, you can change the version numbers in this section and hit save.